FMC, Totally Independent Expert Advice.
FMC, founded over 30 years ago to offer a totally independent source of advice, supply and on-going support for franking equipment. We are recognised by The Royal Mail as a fully approved independent maintainer of franking machines. Whatever your Mailing needs, choose FMC.

Franking Machines.
Franking Machines.
FMC supply a vast range of Franking Machines and as the UK's number one authorised supplier for Pitney Bowes and Neopost Franking Machines, we're sure you'll not be stuck for choice!
Simply hit the link below and you'll be directed to our sister site, www.franking.co.uk, to view our extensive collection of Franking Machines.
Folders & Inserters
Our range of folder inserters are easy to use - with job memories and intuitive screen navigation. With options to fit any scale of operation, and systems that can give your mail the professional appearance you want, FMC can help you to optimise your output.
Simply hit the link below and you'll be directed to our sister site, www.franking.co.uk, to view our extensive collection of Folders & Inserters.

Folders & Inserters

Letter Openers.
Letter Openers.
Opening the post each day by hand and can valuable time out of the working day. It could also mean delays in processing cheques, sales orders, customer enquiries or even complaints.
Electric letter openers can open at least 300 letters a minute. Our higher end letter opening machines open on three sides and reliably extract contents.
This all means that mail can reach the recipient quicker - so processing and response can start without delay.
Simply hit the link below and you'll be directed to our sister site, www.franking.co.uk, to view our extensive collection of Letter Openers.
Software Assurance
Royal Mail updated its Franking Scheme in October 2011 and publications were printed explaining these changes.
One of these changes was that it is now a requirement and the customer’s responsibility to ensure that they have the current tariff rates loaded onto their Franking equipment & scales.
As such the next scheduled rate change to affect Franked postal services is due in April, therefore you will be sent further communication closer to the time in relation to the products and services that are changing.
Simply hit the link below and you'll be directed to our sister site, www.franking.co.uk, to view information about Software Assurance.