Welcome to franking.com
Your One-Stop-Franking-Shop
FMC have for over 30 years been providing 1st class Franking Machine service and products to customers throughout the UK and beyond.
Our staff are manufacturer trained and certified and offer the highest level of customer service, as an ISO 9001 company we pride ourselves in the quality of service and offering cutting edge shipping and mailing products. We help cut your costs not your standards.
We are one of only a handful of companies who are bonded by The Royal Mail and are approved Distributors, Inspectors and maintainers of Franking Machines. The complete office solution for you.
Our Services.

Using a stamp on your mail could cost you up to an extra..

Save up to a Third by Franking.
Are you posting out more than five second-class letters or parcels a day? By changing to a modern Mailmark-compliant franking machine, you could make significant savings in your mailroom.
With totally independent expert advice from our market leading staff we can advise on the best equipment at the right price to suit both your business and budgetary requirements.
FMC can prescribe the optimum solutions from all the manufacturers the market offers resulting in the best deal for you. Our ability to choose from all manufacturer's gives us the edge to only supply the most reliable and feature rich products available, but we only offer these when they have passed out internal quality and assessment procedures.
The Royal Mail offers significant discounts to franking machine users.
Franking machine users have the flexibility of 24/7 postal service.
No more queuing at the Post Office!
Postal machines are completely secure, so no more stamp books or petty cash in the office to worry about.
No more guessing the amount of stamps needed with the use of accurate weighing scales.
Continue to Save with Franking.
Royal Mail Tariff Charges 2023.
Prices for sending a 1st Class Letter will start from £1.25 and a 2nd Class Letter from 75p with Royal Mail. Or only £1.06 or 69p with a machine.
Franking continues to offer great value for money, save over 15% sending a 1st Class Letter or over 8% sending a 2nd Class Letter compared to stamps using a franking machine. Further savings are available for higher volumes.
Royal Mail Mailmark® franking continues to offer the best prices for franking products and services an additional 6p off the price for 2nd Class.
Sending a parcel with franking is still great value, Send a 1st Class small parcel from £3.69 and a 2nd Class small parcel from £2.99.

Royal Mail Announce the end of Non-Mailmark Franking
Royal Mail have contacted all of their customers that currently have a licence for a Standard franking machine to inform them that as of 1st January 2023, the traditional crown die indicia will be removed as an option and Royal Mail will only accept franked mail showing the Mailmark machine-readable state-of-the-art 2D barcode. This will help mail processing and reduce postage costs. There are many exciting new features which will also be available on your franking machine too.

Are you using the right Franking Machine for your business?
First things first... lets find out which Franking Machine is going to suit your company the best. As the UK's number one authorised supplier for Pitney Bowes and Neopost Franking Machines, we're sure you'll not be stuck for choice!
We are one of only a handful of companies who are bonded by The Royal Mail and are approved Distributors, Inspectors and maintainers of Franking Machines. The complete office solution for you.
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